Creating Survey Package for Castor Connect
Before a survey package can be made available in the app, it has to be configured to be mobile-friendly. When creating a survey package or editing an existing one, "Edit survey package" window will appear where you can configure the details of the survey package:

- Name: This is the name that will be presented to the participant in the header bar of the app when completing an assessment and within their task list, as well as on the platform.
- Enable for mobile app: Ticking this box and saving will convert the survey package invite into either a launch/app invite email (if the participant has not used the app previously OR will be added to the participant's task list (if they have used the app previously). Becomes read-only after a package has been used at least once.
- Invitation sender: These fields control which email address will be displayed as the sender in the participant's invite email.
- Invitation subject: Pre-defined and uneditable for a mobile-enabled survey package .
- Invitation message: Body of the invitation email - this is pre-filled for studies using Castor Connect.
- Lock survey if finished: Locks the invitation on completion (prevents re-use).
- Auto-send, Allow form navigation, Force form completion, Finished URL: These settings do not currently apply to mobile-enabled survey packages.
Intro and Outro text: If you want specific intro and outro text to be present to the participant - in addition to any intro and outro text configured at the individual survey level - it can be defined here
Survey selection: Define which surveys will be included in the survey package, and in what order they must be completed by the participant. Surveys that have been configured with fields that are not currently supported on mobile, will not be displayed in this list.
Scheduling: this section allows to set up an automatic survey package reminder:
- Send reminder if survey not yet completed: Determine if a reminder will be sent (not 100% completion, not locked)
- Reminder subject/Reminder message: Define the header and body text that will be displayed in a push notification on the participant's device
- Send reminder after [x] hours: Determine if a reminder will be sent for completion
- Expire after [x] hours: Define by when the survey package must be completed after the invitation has been sent (in hours)
Each survey contains one or multiple forms. Each form will appear as a different page in the survey where users will need to navigate through (using Next/Previous buttons). You can group the survey questions in different forms in a relevant manner, similarly to the normal study CRF. Each question corresponds to a field. Here is how to create your survey questions.