Can I create automations based on checkbox fields in EDC/CDMS?
At the moment, it is not possible to create automations based on checkbox fields because automations with the same conditions cancel each other out. We suggest to use radio buttons instead.
For better context, suppose you have a Checkbox Field (Intravesical Therapy) with 3 options to choose from. You would like to hide certain forms, based on the Checkbox Field values updated. You can proceed as such:
Create Radio Button fields with Yes/No options as illustrated below, instead of a Checkbox Field.
Create calculation fields for each radio button field as shown below. These calculation field value outputs will be used as automation trigger events. For example, if BCG therapy is selected as Yes or No, the calculation field output (calc_BCG) will be 1 or 0 respectively.
Note: You may also want to hide these calculation fields.
Create automations based on the calculation outputs. For example, the automation below is set as: Hide Instillation chemotherapy Follow-up if the calculation in field 6.8. equals to 1.