Can I send a second survey only to participants who completed the first in EDC/CDMS?
At the moment, it is not possible to automatically send a second survey after a first one is completed.
The Automation engine provides a workaround to help you perform this action.
The following steps will be required to do so:
1. Create a checkbox field or any other option group field that allows you to manually set the status of the first survey for each record.
- You can choose to make this field “not required” so that it doesn’t affect the progress of the study.

- In the ‘Edit option group’ window, add only one option, for example an option with the option name ‘Completed’ and ‘Value’ set to 1.
- The field will appear as such in the participant view.

2. Set up an automation to send out the second survey once the “survey 1 check” field is marked as completed.
- Make sure that records have an updated email address assigned, or else the survey invitations will fail.