eConsent Browser Compatibility and Security
Table of Contents
Castor eConsent is a web application designed to facilitate the electronic consent process for clinical studies. It can be accessed from anywhere using your Castor login credentials, whether on a desktop or a mobile device.
Recommended Browsers
For the best experience, we recommend using the latest version of the following browsers:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
These browsers are supported on any operating system, including mobile devices. On mobile, we specifically support Google Chrome and Safari.
It is important to use an up-to-date browser to ensure compatibility and receive the latest security updates.
Unsupported Browsers
Please note that Internet Explorer is no longer supported. Users may experience issues if they attempt to access Castor eConsent using this browser.
Older Browser Versions: While Castor eConsent may function on outdated browser versions, users may notice some minor impacts on the user interface. However, it is best practice to use up-to-date browsers to ensure full compatibility and security. Outdated browsers may not recognize the scripts running in the background, leading to potential failures in processing requests .
Security Protocols
In August 2018, Castor removed support for HTTPS encryption protocols TLS1.0 and 1.1. This change was implemented with Castor release 2018.6. As a result, users with outdated browsers may find that some functions appear broken because the browser can no longer display them .